Thursday, December 8, 2011

2012- Why?

21th December 2012_ Date for the "End of the World"
What will happen or what is this all about?

Here I will show 3 different ideas that people have thought about 2012:

#1- The End of Planet Earth- Doomsday, Apocalypse, End of the Planet and the Human race itself
If you saw "2012: The Movie", you probably know what would happen to our World.Some people think of the date as the end of the Human race and the Destruction of our World itself.

#2- End of the World as we know it. Changes in Technology, Mind, Health. The New World Order.

Conspiration theories, such as the Illuminati secret organization, sugest that our World will soon be under a New World Order.

#3- Finnaly, SEO- Search Engine Optimazation and Marketing.

People think this is some kind of SEO marketing that promotes a lot of different aspects, such as Movies, Music, Presidence Elections and Books.

Now, what I personaly think is:
_Question yourself about the meaning of Life;
_Keep your ideas in your mind, like Galileu Galilei;
_Don't share conspiracy ideas, as people will more often step aside from you.

Whatever you think, the Mind can conquer.

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